Ruben Ticehurst-James

CS PhD Student | Software Developer Intern @ DRW

I am a computer science student with skills in compiler development, machine learning and database engines. I have worked on a high-performance systems programming language, a network of security cameras and a vector database engine. I am currently a software developer intern at DRW, a finance company.

I am starting a PhD in computer science. My research focuses on compiler optimisation and leveraging architectural extensions such as SVE or AVX. The PhD is funded by ARM and EPSRC (the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council).

Previous Experience

DRW Software Developer
Apple Software Engineer
Teaching Assistant Operating Systems | C++ | Concurrency | Internet Systems
Terra Software Engineer


Compilers, programming languages, developments in operating systems and computer architecture all interest me. I am very interested in automatic compiler optimisation, more modern architectural extensions (SME, AVX) and hardware accelerators (I am currently working with a Coral TPU).


Github @RubenSystems